Rodolphe Burger: “Good because it’s the feeling I had at the end of this album” 

Former Kat Onoma leader recently released “Good”, a new solo album

You started the guitar at 9 years old. Where did you get the desire for this instrument? The sound of Jimi Hendrix’s guitar? The radios of American bases in Germany that you captured in Alsace? 

“Both ! Hendrix at the time he was on RTL. It was this radio before, we were listening to amazing things. This is another era … There was the first phenomenon of globalization almost, on a fairly dazzling scale. The entire planet was quickly electrified by sound. It’s impressive in the years 67/68, the number of great albums that were made in record time and were broadcast in a massive way. It was not at all a formatted, commercial music.”

Can you tell me briefly about Kat Onoma’s story and why this adventure ended? At the time you did not enter any box, that’s what blocked you? 

“Kat Onoma has been a very long story, 20 years. To compare, the Beatles, it’s just 4 years old. We started in the early 80s and stopped in 2003. I did not think we would have had such a long history.” [ . . . ]

Read Full Interview: Rodolphe Burger: “Good because it’s the feeling I had at the end of this album”.

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